
Typically acting as historic advisors on large, multidisciplinary project teams, Robinson & Associates' goal is to provide a solid research base upon which to make decisions on rehabilitation and/or new construction; to interpret the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties; to identify and/or inventory levels of historic significance on which to base treatment standards; to advise the project team on issues of compliance with federal historic preservation legislation and regulations; to write historical sections of Historic Structure Reports and other documents; to offer expert testimony; and to evaluate the impact of proposed construction upon the general character and significance of historic structures, landscapes, and site features.


  • Historic property research
  • Historic property identification and determinations of significance
  • Historic structure reports
  • Cultural landscape reports
  • National Register nominations
  • HABS/HAER/HALS documentation
  • Master plans
  • Environmental impact statements


Agency review expertise includes advising the project team on issues of compliance with federal historic preservation legislation and regulations, offering expert testimony, and evaluating the impact of proposed construction upon the general character and significance of historic structures, landscapes, and site features.


Experience with master plans and preservation plans includes both the preparation of historical components for such plans and the completion of tasks in support of master planning, such as cultural resources management plans, environmental impact statements/environmental assessments, and adaptive reuse studies.


The significance of literally thousands of historic buildings, landscapes, and sites has been inventoried. Survey work has involved establishing historical contexts and building documentation for historic district nominations and contextual studies for local and federal governments.